 * @class yootil.create
 * @static
 * Contains useful methods to creating things quickly (i.e containers).

yootil.create = (function(){

	return {

		 * Creates ProBoards div containers.
		 * Very basic example:
		 *     var container = yootil.create.container("My Title", "My Content");
		 *     $("#content").prepend(container);
		 * This example would make titles and content safe:
		 *     var container = yootil.create.container("My <em>Title</em>", "My <strong>Content</strong>", true);
		 *     $("#content").prepend(container);
		 * @param {String} title The container title.
		 * @param {String} content The container content.
		 * @param {Mixed} [safe] True or false, or pass an object to make html safe (i.e {title: false, content: true}).
		 * @param {Boolean} safe.title If true, then yootil will handle making the title safe.
		 * @param {Boolean} safe.content If true, then yootil will handle making the content safe.
		 * @param {Object} [title_styles] Key value par for css styles (i.e {color: "red", padding: "11px"}).
		 * @param {Object} [content_styles] Key value par for css styles (i.e {color: "red", padding: "11px"}).
		 * @param {Object} [container_styles] Key value par for css styles (i.e {color: "red", padding: "11px"}).
		 * @param {Boolean} [no_h2] If set to true, it will not wrap the title with an h2 tag.
		 * @param {Boolean} [jquery_obj] If false, returned content will be an html string.
		 * @return {Mixed} Depends on what jquery_obj is set too, default is jquery object.
		container: function(title, content, safe, title_styles, content_styles, container_styles, no_h2, jquery_obj){
			var html = "";
			var safe_title = safe_content = (typeof safe != "undefined" || safe)? true : false;

			title = (title || "");
			content = (content || "");
			if(typeof safe === "object"){
				if(typeof safe.title != "undefined"){
					safe_title = safe.title;
				if(typeof safe.content != "undefined"){
					safe_content = safe.content;
			container_styles = (container_styles)? container_styles : {};
			title_styles = (title_styles)? title_styles : {};
			content_styles = (content_styles)? content_styles : {};
			title = (safe_title)? yootil.html_encode(title) : title;
			title = (typeof no_h2 != "undefined" && !no_h2)? title : ("<h2>" + title + "</h2>");
			content = (safe_content)? yootil.html_encode(content) : content;
			html += "<div class=\"container\">";
			html += $("<div class=\"title-bar\">" + title + "</div>").css(title_styles).wrap("<span/>").parent().html();
			html += $("<div class=\"content pad-all\">" + content + "</div>").css(content_styles).wrap("<span/>").parent().html();
			html += "</div>";
			if(typeof jquery_obj == "undefined" || jquery_obj){
				return $(html).css(container_styles);
			} else {
				return $(html).css(container_styles).wrap("<span/>").parent().html();

		 * Quickly create a blank page that matches a certain URL.
		 *     yootil.create.page("shop", "Shop");
		 * An exanple adding a container to the page as well:
		 *     yootil.create.page("shop", "Shop").container("The Shop", "Welcome to the Shop").appendTo("#content");
		 * @param {Mixed} locate This will get matched against the location.href value, can be a string or RegExp object.
		 * @param {String} [document_title] Gets Added onto the current document title.
		 * @param {Boolean} [hide_content] By default the children of #content gets hidden, you can override this.
		 * @chainable
		page: function(locate, document_title, hide_content){
			var reg = (locate.constructor == RegExp)? locate : new RegExp("\/" + locate, "i");
			if(locate && location.href.match(reg)){
				if(typeof document_title != "undefined" && document_title.length){
					document.title += " - " + document_title;
				if(typeof hide_content == "undefined" || hide_content){
			return yootil.create;

		 * Extend the nav tree easily.
		 *     yootil.create.nav_branch("/shop/", "Shop");
		 * @param {String} url URL of the branch.
		 * @param {String} text Text of the branch.
		 * @return {Object} Branch jQuery wrapped.
		nav_branch: function(url, text){
			var branch = $("#navigation-tree .nav-tree-wrapper #nav-tree li:last").clone();

			if(branch && branch.length){
				branch.find("a").attr("href", url).find("span").html(text);
			return branch;

		 * Create a new tab on the profile
		 *     yootil.create.profile_tab("Test", "test");
		 * @param {String} text Text of the branch.
		 * @param {String} page URL of the branch.
		 * @param {Boolean} [active] Active page or not.
		 * @chainable
		profile_tab: function(text, page, active){
				var active_class = (active)? " class='ui-active'" : "";
				var ul = $("div.show-user div.ui-tabMenu:first ul");
					ul.append($("<li" + active_class + "><a href='/user/" + yootil.page.member.id() + "/" + page + "'>" + text + "</a></li>"));
			return this;

		 * Creates a profile content box.
		 *     yootil.create.profile_content_box();
		 * @param {String} id Enter a ID, or a unique one will be created.
		 * @return {Object} The box is returned wrapped with jQuery.
		profile_content_box: function(id){
			var uid = (id || $.unique_id("yootil-"));
			var box = $("<div />").addClass("content-box center-col").attr("id", uid);
			return box;

		 * Adds a new BBC button to the end on the reply page.
		 * @param {Object} img The image element to append.
		 * @param {Function} [func] Adds an onlick event.
		 * @chainable
		bbc_button: function(img, func){
				var li = $("<li>").addClass("button").append($(img));


				var controls = $(".editor .ui-wysiwyg .controls");
				var ul = controls.find(".bbcode-editor, .visual-editor").find(".group:last ul:last");

				if(controls.length && ul.length){

			return this;

		 * Creates a new tab next to the BBCode tab on post / message reply pages.
		 *     var my_tab = yootil.create.ubbc_tab("myid", "My Title", "My Content");
		 * An example using the hide and show events:
		 *     var my_tab2 = yootil.create.ubbc_tab("myid2", "My Title 2", "My Content 2", {
		 *     	show: function(tab, tab_content){
		 *     		tab.css("background-color", "red");
		 *     	},
		 *     	hide: function(tab, tab_content){
		 *     		tab.css("background-color", "");
		 *     	}
		 *     );
		 * @param {String} tab_title The title for the tab, this can contain HTML.
		 * @param {String} tab_content The content that will be shown when the tab is clicked.  HTML can be used.
		 * @param {String} [id] The id for this tab.  If not specified a random one will be created.
		 * @param {Object} [css] You can apply an object of css values that jQuery will apply, or defaults will be used.
		 * @param {Object} [events] There are 2 events, show and hide.
		 * @param {Function} [events.show] When the tab is clicked, this event will be called.  Tab and content are passed.
		 * @param {Function} [events.hide] When another tab is click, this event will be called.  Tab and content are passed.
		 * @param {Function} [events.context] Set the context of the functions.
		 * @return {Object} The tab content div is returned wrapped with jQuery.

		ubbc_tab: function(tab_title, content, id, css, events){
			id = id || yootil.ts();
			tab_title = tab_title || id;
			content = content || "";

			var tab = $("<li id='menu-item-" + id + "'><a href='#'>" + tab_title + "</a></li>");
			var wysiwyg_tabs = $(".editor ul.wysiwyg-tabs").append(tab);
			var tab_content = $("<div id='" + id + "'>" + content + "</div>");

			if(typeof css == "undefined"){

					border: "1px solid #E6E6E6",
					padding: "5px"

			} else if(css && typeof css == "object"){

			tab_content.hide().insertBefore($(".editor ul.wysiwyg-tabs"));

				var active = $(this);



					var id = $(this).attr("id");

						$(".editor .ui-wysiwyg .editors").hide();
					} else {
						if(active.attr("id") == id){

						var selector = "";

							selector = "#" + id.split("menu-item-")[1];

							if(events && events.hide){
									$.proxy(events.hide, events.context, tab, tab_content)();
								} else {
									events.hide(tab, tab_content);


				var id = active.attr("id");
				var selector = "";

					selector = "#" + id.split("menu-item-")[1];

					$(".editor .ui-wysiwyg .editors").show();
				} else if($(selector).length){
					if(events && events.show){
							$.proxy(events.show, events.context, tab, tab_content)();
						} else {
							events.show(tab, tab_content);


			return tab_content;
